Thursday 10 February 2011

OCCUPARTY! at Hull University

Sorry about the late notice: tomorrow I'm going to be up for a turn at the Occuparty! social and open mic in Staff House in the University of Hull in support of the occupation there. Visit their facebook page to show your support or if you are around, come along and show your support!

Thursday 3 February 2011

First Fresh Ink Open Mic Night

The first ever Fresh Ink Open Mic night was held in a packed Lattitude on Newland Avenue last night. Although I knew that there was a demand for spoken word nights in Hull, the size of turn out both surprised and delighted me, as did the quality of the work on offer (well, the latter isn't strictly true, I already knew that there was a lot of great talent out there in Hull). No less than eighteen open mic-ers took to the floor in front of the very friendly crowd, some being old hands, others performing for the first time in public and some returning from a long gap without performing. A huge thank-you to everyone who got up an read - they were, without exception, great.

On the subject of thanking people, I should mention Steve and the team from Lattitude who were absolutely marvellous in helping to put the night together as was Cilla from who lent us the on-stage equipment and offered buckets of encouragement and enthusiasm.

Fresh Ink Open Mic will return to Lattitude on 2nd March starting at 7.30pm, both readers and audience are very warmly welcomed to what is sure to be another great night. In the meantime, we are having a night of featured artists plus open mic at Fruit on Humber Street on 22nd February. We will be featuring performance poets Joe Hakim and Mike Watts, period drama from Allison Neal and Janine Hatter and film from Kirsty Clark. At only £4 entry, it is a night (and a venue) not to be missed!